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Suspension training is one of the oldest forms of equipment physical training. Due to its simplicity and the minimal equipment needed the concept resonated with people thousands of years ago. Suspension training is like bodyweight training, but on steroids. It’s a challenging and dynamic workout that will challenge you in some unexpected ways. The best thing about suspension training is you don’t need much room, or equipment to do it.

Suspension training has been incredibly popular with the military due to the small amount of equipment requirements. You can easily take a set of suspension straps on deployment without taking up any real room. It’s a full gym that takes up only about a ¼ of a backpack.

Benefits of Suspension Training

Suspension training is essentially a system of straps anchored to a point above a person’s head and are utilized for exercises that mimic bodyweight calisthenics. What makes them better than bodyweight exercises are the additional resistance and challenge suspension training puts on the body.

Bodyweight training is already a challenging and efficient way to work the body. Suspension training is going to put a focus on your core throughout your workout. You have to constantly stabilize yourself through even the most basic movements. This need to stabilize will stress mostly the core, but also additional stabilizing muscles that are not always worked with bodyweight or free weight exercise routines.

Because you are constantly working to be stable, whether you realize it or not, you are also improving your balance and coordination. Or at least the muscles that aid in balance and coordination, some folks are just always going to be clumsy.

Some suspension training even surpasses bodyweight exercises in terms of movements. For example, with suspension training you go lower while suspended with pushups then you could possibly go with your hands on the ground.

You’ll never become too strong for this system. Since it operates off body weight it will always offer a level of improvement.

Who Can Benefit from Suspension Training?

Anyone who wants to be in better shape can benefit from suspension training. However, some athletes will see more benefits than others. Athletes who compete in sports that require balance, strength, and endurance will see the most benefit.

This include gymnasts, martial artists, boxers, Crossfit competitors, and a whole host of others. Suspension training is also beneficial to recovering athletes and individuals with injuries. Because of the stabilizing muscles suspension training works an individual in physical rehab can work a specific inured area and the additional muscles used to support those movements. The realistic planes of motion better replicate real life than traditional weight training.

The Limits of Suspension Training

Suspension training can be used to work your entire body, and work it thoroughly. All you really need is a set of suspension cables. Companies like TRX provide straps, anchor points, and workouts to keep you moving and improving. The only limitations really come with putting on serious weight and muscle. You’ll get stronger, leaner, and improve core strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Getting Into Suspension Training

The first step is of course securing a suspension system. Keep in mind you are trusting this system to hold you up. If it fails you may take a nasty fall. I’d advise in investing in a solid system from a reputable manufacturer. TRX rules this realm. Next is finding a simple beginners workout. Even if you are a fit individual it’s best to ease your way in, and not cannonball into the deep end. Lastly, like all workouts consistency and effort makes the biggest difference. Keep at it, keep moving, and keep hustling.

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